Our Team

Our Team includes Medical Experts, Strong Technical team and content designers.

Rajasekar Selvarajan

Founder & Director

The Founder has long experience in the areas of Internetworking, Embedded and Cloud solutions. He has strong industry experience spanning across 23 years. He was part of multiple companies such as Dell Technologies, Freescale Semiconductors, Nokia as Software/Systems Architect. He had experience in invesing on Social Projects in India.

Sridevi Elumalai

Co-Founder & Director

Sridevi has 12+ years experience in the field of Technology. She has previously worked in HCL Technologies. Sridevi is incharge of Customer Aquisition and Retaining.

Our Consultants

A Team Of Professionals

Dr. Vijayalakshmi Elumalai M.B.B.S., M.D.O&G.,

Senior Consultant - Obstetrician & Gynecologist

K M Specialty Hospital
Formerly Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Tamilnadu Government

Dr. Dhivyambigai

10 years Experience in Pregnancy & Fertility Care
